Golf Course Equipment & Greenkeeping Tools

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golf flag pins & hole placement markers
quick release top

Quick Release Top

Product Code: G60c

quick release top for tubed golf flag
quick release top stud for tubelock golf flag
quick release top stud for tubelock swivel golf flags
quick release top for golf flag pin

Make changing your flag colours easier, quicker and more efficient. These quick release top studs securely fasten tubelock flags to flagpins without requiring an acorn nut. The flag can simply be pulled off the flagpin - speeding up the task of removing and replacing flags!!

Specially designed for courses using a 3 colour front/middle/back pin position system, our quick release top stud (screw on addition), fits neatly onto our deluxe range top - replacing the acorn nut or large screw on ball top (screw size M8). It's double lock design ensures your flags stay securely in place until you are ready to change them.

Designed for Tubelock flags (flags with a rigid plastic tube in the sleeve), and will fit neatly onto our deluxe, links, and tournament (javelin) flagpin ranges only.
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